Afro-Hispanic Linguistic Remnants in Mexico

The Case of the Costa Chica Region

Norma Rosas Mayén.

In the last decades, the study of Afro-Spanish varieties that developed during the Colonial period in the Americas has seduced many scholars. The analysis of these Afro-Hispanic speech patterns is crucial to determine their creolized or non-creolized status, as well as to understand the scarcity of the Spanish-based creoles in the Americas. The present study contributes to this linguistic field by analyzing the current speech of the Afro-Mexicans of the Costa Chica region, one of the largest Afro-Mexican enclaves, while proposing a Rhizomatic Linguistic Model to interpret data derived from contact situations. This investigation not only accounts for the Afro-Hispanic linguistic remnants of this Spanish variety, but also examines the current linguistic characteristics and sociolinguistic status of this speech area on the brink of extinction. In addition, this book advocates on behalf of those Costa Chica Afro-Mexican communities that have been stigmatized and customarily ignored in Mexico’s nation-state politics.

Ficha técnicaAutor/es
Colección: Lengua y Sociedad en el Mundo Hispánico, 45
Año: 2021
Páginas: 189 pages
Formato: 22 cm.
Encuadernación: Rústica
ISBN: 978-84-9192-170-7
Precio: €24,00


Lengua española
Actualidad - XXI

Norma Rosas Mayén is Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, and Human Rights Investigator at the University of Southern Indiana. She received her Doctorate in Spanish Linguistics from Purdue University in 2007. In addition, she has studies in Arabic Language (Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco), Sanskrit Language and Literature (University of Delhi, India), and French Phonetics (Université de la Sorbonne-Paris IV, France). Her research areas include Afro-Hispanic Linguistics, Creolistics, and Judaic studies.



Hispania 105.4 (2022).pdf

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