Iberoamericana. Año XVI (2016). No. 62. América Latina - España - Portugal. Ensayos sobre letras, historia y sociedad.

El dossier de este número está dedicado a "Legacies and Repercussions of the Military Dictatorship in the Brazil of Today", coordinado por Marianne L. Wiesebron, con contribuciones de Timothy J. Power, Roberto Vecchi, Maria Lúcia de Barros Camargo y Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho. Textos en inglés y portugués.

"The articles of this dossier show clearly how in some ways there is an enduring impact of the military regime, while at the same time democracy became consolidated. They also highlight the political, social, cultural complexities of the various periods, 11 and, above all, how many protests there have been, in many different forms, which also, in some ways, persist over 50 years later." (Marianne L. Wieseborn)

Ficha técnicaCoordinador/es
Colección: Iberoamericana (Revista), 62
Año: 2016
Páginas: 306 p.
Formato: 24 cm.
Encuadernación: Rústica
Precio: €29,80


Historia y crítica de la literatura
Historia de la cultura
Historia España
Literatura en español
Historia Hispanoamérica
Todas las épocas
América Latina

Marianne L. Wiesebron is Associate Professor of History at the Department of Latin American Studies at Leiden University. She specialises in Brazilian foreign relations and society. She also works on current economic and political developments in Latin America, in particular on problems of regional integration in South America. Amongst her recent works: “Social Policies during the Lula Administration: The Conditional Cash Transfer Program Bolsa Família” (2014), Brazil under the Worker’s Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma (Co-Ed. 2014); “Democracia participativa e cidadania no Brasil” (2013).



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